Friday, April 18, 2008


I'm still having some isssues with payperpost. I think i've got to submit my post again. This is a frustrating situation. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Anyway the roof is repaired. It looks great and this is a happy situation. I will get the flooring replaced next. Smorty which is another paying blog service recently introduced a new system. I might check with them again. I participated in a local focus group yesterday and received 115.00. That was cool. I'm also doing a handlotion survey for eight dollars and a ten dollar printer survey. I am making progress on escaping the petty cash syndrome. A word about Inbox dollars, They have a somewhat bad rep on the web,but they pay quickly once you hit your 30.00 payout. I am now a gold member and am paid promptly withing a day or two of reaching payment. Happy Blogging and surveying.

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