Monday, April 28, 2008


I don't have alot to report today. I have been doing very well making payout from my various survey programs. I am waiting to hear from Loudlaunch to see whether or not I am accepted as a blogger. I am continuing to do the usual things. I am working at home today and there is a tornado warning. Knowing what happened last time to my house,it makes me nervous to hear anything about tornadoes. I have heard about a new program that allows you to review websites and write about them. For participating in this service you are paid 10.00 in your paypal account. I will name the site in my next blog entry. Don't forget to visit my husbands website and blog for information about notarization.

Friday, April 25, 2008


I just wanted to remind everyone if they want to make money with surveys to check out Annika's group on MSN. This group has a complete listing of almost all the survey sites out there, as well as, comments on whether or not they have paid. She also puts
out information almost everyday on paid focus groups. This is all done for free. You have got to join this group however, in order to be privy to the information. Also, it is all coyrighted material so no copying,pasting etc. is allowed. I have found this site to be the one of the most valuable on the web, and an excellent resource for free.
Another excellent site is Survey Police. They also maintain a large listing of survey sites. They list member rankings of the sites. Any company that does not meet their criteria is not allowed to list with them. Again, this is a free site. There are so many resources available on the web: In my opinion, paying anyone for anything is a mistake.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Opinion Outpost and others

I've been doing some shopping this week. I am fortunate that I got enough from my insurance settlement to be able to replace some household furnishings that got damaged in the tornado. I'm continuing with my usual activities. I have reached payout on several of my survey sites. I have applied to Opinion Outpost about being an affiliate.
Opinion Outpost is one of my favorite survey sites and is very easy to reach pay out. They have a a variety of interesting surveys on many different topics. I should find out soon whether or not I have been approved. Look for their banner on my blog site and sign up with them if you would like to participate in taking surveys on a good site. I hope everyone has a good day today! I plan to.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

traffic programs

I've signed up with Danboost a new traffic program. the thing that is neat about this site is that you just open your browser and the clicks come to you. You do not have to click on a number of websites. The websites you have to click on are manual exchanges.
Danboost is a auto traffic exchange. I like it so I may sign up for more auto exchange programs. My roof is finally fixed and I am waiting on the check for the insurance company. It seems like when you really need something it never comes. Hopefully next week will bring some more lucrative opportunities for me.

Friday, April 18, 2008


I'm still having some isssues with payperpost. I think i've got to submit my post again. This is a frustrating situation. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Anyway the roof is repaired. It looks great and this is a happy situation. I will get the flooring replaced next. Smorty which is another paying blog service recently introduced a new system. I might check with them again. I participated in a local focus group yesterday and received 115.00. That was cool. I'm also doing a handlotion survey for eight dollars and a ten dollar printer survey. I am making progress on escaping the petty cash syndrome. A word about Inbox dollars, They have a somewhat bad rep on the web,but they pay quickly once you hit your 30.00 payout. I am now a gold member and am paid promptly withing a day or two of reaching payment. Happy Blogging and surveying.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Lots going on

I have been on My Lot lately. It is a social networking site that pays you to participate. I answered a discussion and also sponsored a discussion. I made a few cents for my efforts but I know it doesnt take long for discussions and things to add up. I know people who have made 30.00 or more just by doing the same things. I am finally getting my roof repaired yay! I've got a crew starting here tomorrow. In addition to the roof, I'm also getting my flooring replaced. I've got this ugly indoor/outdoor carpet which I plan to replace with laminate flooring. It will be nice to have this done. I should be able to focus more on my earnings after this is done.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Clixsense and others

One thing I plan to check out is goggle weblog. Supposedly if you subscribe to this your google page rank is automatically calculated and something a blogger doesn't need to worry about. I'm going to read more about this this week as trying to get my page ranked on google as become a major precoccupation of mine. Another issue is that google
only ranks pages (on average) only every three to six months, so you could have great content,multiple subscribers and still have to wait several months to see the fruits of your labor.
Changing gears here, I just wanted to say a word about one of my favorite PTC's Clixsense. This site in my opinion, is one of the best on the web. All of the clicks are at least one cent and some are more. They pay out anytime you reach the 10.00 level. In general it is not useful to upgrade on PTC's unless it is free Clixsense is the exception. One ten dollar payment will get you 525 clicks off the bat. You can cash out in about two months even if you have no referrals. They pay you ten cents for each referral and will pay up to five levels deep. You can join clixsense by clicking on my link. I would be so happy if you did! You wont regret it.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


I hope you noticed my new feeds and links. I joined FEEDJIT as well as, Gimme links and Got links. In order to have a high google page rank that is (in the top five pages)
you really need to have other people linked to your blog. There are several ways to do this; you can pay a company such as page5 to get your blog ranked in the top 5 pages by google or you can buy a domain, or pay someone else usually about 49.95 per month to get your blog on page 1. Another way that supposedly works is to have other people link to your blog or website. You can do this for free through the above link exchange sites
or you can have your blog or website listed as part of the Open Directory project. You can also get your family and loved ones to link to your blog. This will help your page rank also. I am hoping that the above will help me go from google page zero to page 3 or 4. As I explained before you need to have a high page rank in order to secure good writing assignments. I'm hoping anyway.

Sunday, April 6, 2008


A community on the web that I have found helpful in terms of blogging and moneymaking ideas is the Independent World Community. It is run by Lisa who also has the blog "The Life of an Unbalanced Libra." She has done well making money with her blog as well as PTC programs. She also uses BRRing which is the telephone advertising program which pays you everytime someone calls you on their number. She also has affiliations with Fairytale Treasures, a PTC program as well as Bankroll Bucks and Piggy -Bank Cash.I have joined a few of these programs. Affiliate programs in general I think only earn you money if you have a big following on the web or a wide variety of friends and acquaintances. My husband is an Amazon affiliate,as well as a Global Travel affiliate but I dont know how well those ventures are doing. I'm not comfortable outlaying cash to another company to be in business with them. I still like taking surveys although there is no huge cash benefit to doing them,it is fun and easy, and can be interesting you learn about marketing ideas of the future.

Friday, April 4, 2008


I have been concentrating on promoting my blog. I have gone to bloglines,technorati and tomorrow I will go to Blogrush. The name of the game is to get a higher google page
rank. The higher your google pagerank the more assignments you are are eligible to take with many of the blogging programs such as payperpost,blogertise,smorty etc. I think technorati is a good site for beginners as they seem to do alot of the work for you and make it as simple as possible. I like to make things easy for myself. Anyway I did participate in a focus group this week and got 17.00 from my survey work. I m working away.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

link referral

Link referral is a site where you can get credit for reviewing other people's sites. They in turn will review your site. It is a good way to get exposure for your site as well as reviewing other interesting websites that you might benefit from knowing about.
Linkreferral has definitely gotten hits for me on my blog. Also, you can promote yourself on forums to increase your exposure to others. I'm working out getting my google page rank up as getting the best assignments on any of the blogging sites usually includes having a rank in googles top three or four pages. Anyway I'm continuing with my usual things no big news this week although I hope to be working for payperpost very soon.