Sunday, May 24, 2009


I wanted to take some time to talk about a site that I like alot. This site is Annika's and is owned by Amy Lynn. She maintains a comprehensive list of survey sites over 900 in number and discusses the paying sites as well as the ones that you should stay away from. She also maintains a list of forums some of which are local and some of which are online that will pay their members. I have found this site to be very helpful and has helped me make a few hundred dollars over the time that I have been following this site. I would highly recommend Annika's because it is free and also
it is a site that is worth investigating as a moneymaking venture. I think it is the most comprehensive list of paying surveys online. You can easily subscribe to this site and I think it is definitely worth doing so.

Sunday, May 17, 2009


I have been experimenting with swagbucks. This is something that is supposed to earn you giftcards for doing the same searches that you would be doing on google. I think that it has potential as others have gotten several giftcards from this site. Another site that I have been investigating is vinefire. Vinefire is in the beta stage and should be giving payouts in October. This is their latest prediction. It is a site that
many people have made money on in theory. I will be interested to see whether or not this comes to fruition. May was a good month for me earnings wise (in the two hundred dollar range) counting my Amazon giftcards, but thus far June does not look so promising, having some troubles with reviewstream. I hope to start publishing on Constant Comment. They pay well for articles in the subject matter they are looking for.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

new ventures

I am no longer writing for textbroker and have not gotten any mail from Hausertrack. I am experiementing with a new blog called getpaidbyus. I am also working with blogging. These are too new to me to let me know how they are going to go. I do like experiemenitng with different moneymaking stragtegies. i still like reviestream as a moneymaking enterprise, plus my lot and gather. I have my various survey sites that work for me as well.