Friday, February 29, 2008


I am continuing with my same pursuits. The new thing that I have done this week is to join the group Independent World Community which is a group I found through linkrefferal. They have many moneymaking tips and sites they use. They also have proof of payments listed on the site. Today I'm going to work on possting links on a referral exchange site that I found though clixsense.I am going to post on the IWC forum that I am available to swap refferals with people. I am still working on a way to escape the "petty change" syndrome which is what by and large you make with surveys and PTC unless you work at it constantly. My husband can get my blog on more indexed pages. That will probably be helpful in the quest. I wish luck to all of you out there that are the same journey. To make the most money I think you have to be technically savvy which I'm not, but I can get some money from my hubby.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Pay Per Post

Hello all! pay per post is another site that I am trying out. Advertisers pay you to write on your blog. You write content that is reviewed by them and others. I will let you know how it works out.
I am happy to have my laptop back and will be doing some more regular posting. I have a noticed a decline in the number of paid surveys lately. This is not good for the piggybank. I think that writing reviews and sharing on the blog will probably be the most lucrative thing I can do. My favorite PTC sites are still Hits4pay and clixsense. They are doing well. I'm having some difficulty with clix4coins. I am not able to sign. This is not cool since I have some money on the site. I was just paid by surveyspot which is one of my favorite survey companies. This is a positive thing. I also am getting blog traffic from linkrefferal. So, I am still working at my craft. My goal for this week is to try to make 50.00 since you all have heard that try to keep me accountable. 5 or 10 dollars weekly is not that helpful to the bank account.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Computer Woes

My laptop has unfortunately crashed on me. I have to resort to using the desktop.
It is not as fast as my laptop so it limits me somewhat. I was just paid by Opinion
World directly into my paypal account. Alot of survey companies are doing this now
it saves the time and expense of writing a check. Opinion World seems to have some lucrative surveys and offers payment in the form of American Airlines flight credits also. I tried a traffic zapper program to get more blog trafffic,but they seemed to want at least ten dollars for traffic. I am still using link referral and other options. Buzz sponge is my latest thing to sign up for. THey pay you 30 cents for each video you watch. They email you with offerings. They said you can expect approximately 2 per day. I will be doing more as soon as I can get my laptop up and running. It is not every comfortable in this room with the desktop! I will write more later.

Monday, February 18, 2008

making money

I am going to be experimenting with RSS feeds to get more traffic to my blog. I do participate in Link Referral now. I think that all good programs that work with blogs such as blogative that pay you for writing in your blog and referring others to products that you have written about require sites that get at least 10 hits per day. I think that everything you can do to promote traffic is the thing. I am now a "gold member" with Inboxdollars so I am eligible to be paid weekly instead of monthly for the offers and surveys I have completed. There are a number of other reward for offer sites such as Cash Crate(which requires only 1o dollars to cash out) Cashdailyrewardz with pays with paypal,Treasure Trooper which has a variety of offers: and gangster greed which has the same thing. There are a number of ways to make money on the web the secret is persistence.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Bzz Agent and others

I spoke about Bzz agent in my last entry. I was offered two campaigns one of which I was not interested in Track Shack which is a music dowload site and Shower scrub automatic shower cleaner. I unfortunately found the shower cleaner site campaign was already full. i was not interested in the other. I will continue to participiate in the Bzz Agent site to see what happens
however. I also attempted to sign up for the Review me site which is a site that pays you to write reviews for on various projects. They said I did not have enough traffic to my blog! I was disappointed because I was told a person could make $20 to $200 for reviewing products. I am coninuing with my survey sign up programs and have made enough on several sites to receive payment. I think they said their checks bulk mail however since it seems to take forever for them to come. Getting traffic to come to your blog seems to be the most important factor in getting paid to blog. This is why there are so many traffic explosion products

Monday, February 11, 2008

Survey Police and others

I have found some new survey sites with the Survey Police. These are a lsit of survey sites that have been vetted,and most have been reviewed several times. Opinion Place is a survey site which offers payments by paypal as well as, airmiles available through American Airlines. Survey Police is a new and interesting site to look for paid survey programs as well as opportunites to write reviews and do mystery shopping. I also have written for Shared Reviews which offers payments based on your product reviews. Bzz agent is also a site that I am experimenting with Bzz Agent does not offer payment but does offer campaigns in which agents who write for them get products to test and market. As I said You are not paid by by Bzz agent,but whatever products they give you to try for their campaigns you are invited to keep. Some of them are very nice like sonic care toothbrushes and other intersting items that keep those participating in the campaigns interested and writing reviews and telling others about the products.

Friday, February 8, 2008

The best PTC sites

The best PTC sites in my opinion are Hits for Pay and Clixsense. Not only do they have new advertising everyday,but Hits for Pay starts off with a 10.00 bonus. After you are paid the $10
you are paid .02 per click. Payment is made via paypal. Clixsense is one of the few PTC sites that
pays to upgrade. You receive 525 premium ads upon upgrade. They will pay by check or Paypal
upon reaching 10.00. The only issue with Clixsense is that it the cost of a check takes 3.00 out of the amount you are paid. I am somewhat disappointed with the survey sites that I have been investigating. I've signed up with at least 100 sites this includes both survey sites and focus groups
and my income thus far has been limited to a few dollars per month. There are many surveys that
I am selected for that seem to encounter technical difficulties and need to close thus negating half and hour or 45 minutes. I am now investigating new opportunites to make money online. There are several methods out there and I will let you know how they work out.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Net audio ads

I've signed up with Net audio ads. You are supposed to be paid anytime anyone visits your blog. This is a new thing that I'm trying. I've heard several disappointing things about PTC sites so am not going to be utilizing them as much.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Back at last

Sorry, I havent been able to post. Anyway I have been having a great deal of difficulty with Paid Vg. Please do not click on that link. I have signed up for about 100 different survey sites and have made some small amts. of money. I am waiting for a check from clixsense my main PTC program. I hope it comes this week. I am trying DailyCash Rewardz which is a site that pays you to complete offers. This is similar to I. Box dollars but promises payment sooner.